欢迎来到 Daniel's dairy, 希望你快乐每一天!
Welcome to Daniel's dairy, hope that you enjoy while reading my dairy.

On 2 of September 1989, a boy who was given name Daniel Yii had come to this world. He is born in a town called Sibu ... ...


I am recording all the processes of my life through this blog ... I hope that my experience might benefit "YOU"!

Friday, April 3, 2009


转眼间来到了四月, semester 1 即将结束! 其实在ucsi 的日子,真的很轻松! 已经下定决心要到 uq 继续我的degree. 没意外的话,明年的七月就会飞到那里!
终于, final exam 再次来临了但是一点压力都没有! 这个月, 开始要好好的活! 还有住在 vista komanwel 这里真的很开心! 要开始寻找目标了--->凯!